What is Fortress Wars?
Fortress Wars is a custom-coded team vs team potion kit pvp game mode where two teams build a fortress to protect their beacon and fight to destroy the enemy’s beacon. Players can choose between 35+ kits in order to defend their beacon or attack the enemy’s beacon. In addition to the classic game mode, other game modes also include Attack and Defend and King of the Hill.
In the classic game mode, maps will have two beacons corresponding to the red team’s beacon and blue team’s beacon. The Players’ main objective is to destroy the enemy's beacon while also protecting their own team’s beacon. Beacons start with 100% health and overtime the health will decay. When the player breaks the actual beacon block, the beacon health will be reduced by 5%. (Some kits can damage the beacon for more percentage). The game will end if a beacon is reduced to 0%.. Whichever team breaks the beacon first, wins!
In some games, the red team’s beacon and blue team’s beacon will both reach 1%. If this event happens, the game will enter Overtime. In Overtime, the world border will slowly shrink slowly closing in towards the center of the map. In order to win in Overtime, teams must either A. eliminate all enemies or B. destroy the enemy beacon. During Overtime, respawns are disabled. If no team is able to destroy the enemy beacon or eliminate all enemy players within the time, then the game will result in a draw.
In addition, there are different types of classic maps. There are Build and Non-Build maps. These map types are indicated in the Map Selection Screen. In Build maps, both teams enter a building phase before the game starts. Players use this time to build a base that will help protect the beacon during the game phase. Each player is given various block types to build with. During the building phase, players can fly. Players can also quick-place blocks by sneaking and placing blocks. Players can quick-break by hitting a block. If players break too many ally blocks, they will no longer be allowed to break blocks played by allies! In Non-Build maps, teams skip the building phase and enter the game phase directly.

King of the hill
In the King of the Hill game mode (or Koth for short), there is only one beacon. The players’ main objective is to control the beacon for a period of time. For each team, the beacon capture progress will start with 0%. It will gradually increase for the corresponding team as they hold control of the beacon. When the beacon reaches 100%, the corresponding team will win. If an enemy is around the beacon when it is at 99% and the capture progress is about to go to 100%, then the game will enter overtime. During overtime, the team that doesn’t have control, will need to stay within the radius of the beacon and break the beacon in order to take back control. If these players are outside the radius for too long, then the game will end and the team that has control of the beacon will win.
When the game initially starts, the beacon will be locked. During this phase players cannot break the beacon and can only fight other players. When the beacon unlocks, a player must simply break the beacon in order to get control for their team. Once in control of the beacon, that team must defend the beacon from the opposing team. If the enemy then breaks the beacon, then the objective will essentially be switched.

Attack & Defend
In the Attack and Defend game mode (or AD for short), both teams take turns attacking and defending. If the map type is Build, then the game will first start with a building phase. During the building phase, players will be teleported to their beacon in order to use various blocks to protect it. Players can fly during this phase. Players can also quick-place by sneaking while placing and players can quick-break by hitting a block. However, players will be punished for breaking too many of their allies' blocks. If the map is a Non-Build map, then this phase will be skipped entirely. After the build phase, the game will randomly choose a starting team to defend. The other team will start on attack. The defenders will be teleported to their base spawn and attackers will be teleported to the attackers spawn. Both teams have some time to prepare for the round. When the round starts, the gates will open for the attackers and the game will start.
The players’ main objective is to break the enemy's beacon and defend their beacon. Both beacons will start at 100% health. Unlike the classic game mode, the beacons’ health will NOT decay. For the first round the defenders must defend the beacon for 15 minutes. The attackers must damage the beacon as much as possible. The round will end if A) the defenders defend for the full 15 minutes or B) the defender's beacon’s health reaches 0%. The teams will then switch sides. The attackers will become the defenders and the defenders will become the attackers. Teams will then be given time to prepare for the next round.
After the second preparation phase, the second round will start. Round 2’s gameplay is exactly like round 1: attackers attack the defenders beacon and defenders defend the beacon from attackers. However, this is the final phase of an AD game.
In order for the defenders to win, they must defend their beacon for the given time. If during round 1 the attackers were unable to completely destroy the beacon, then the time for round two will be set to 15 minutes. (just like round 1). However, If the attackers were able to completely destroy the beacon, then round 2’s time will be the time it took to destroy the beacon. For example, if it took the blue team 12 minutes and 6 seconds to completely destroy red’s beacon in round one, then the blue team will only need to defend their beacon for 12 minutes and 6 seconds in round 2.
In order for attackers to win, they must damage the beacon faster than the defenders did last round, or damage the beacon more than the defenders did last round. For example, if the blue team had completely destroyed the beacon in 12 minutes and 6 seconds, then the red team now has 12 minutes and 6 seconds to completely destroy the beacon in round 2. For the second example, if the blue team only damaged the beacon by 30% in round one, then the red team must damage the beacon by at least 31% to win.
There currently is no overtime mechanism for AD, so if the beacon percentage is the same for both teams at the end of round 2, then the game will result in a draw.